Leak Detection Specialist | Trace and Access Experts For England and Wales
Our leak detection specialist will find the water leak and expose it ready for repair; this process is called ‘Trace and Access’ by your insurance company.
Accurate leak detection is very much a specialist job with regard to both finding the leak – using the latest specialist equipment in conjunction with deep experience in leak detection – and documenting the process and the end result in an insurance-friendly report such that your insurance company can see all the relevant information set out clearly and concisely, including a ‘recommendations’ section that details all the steps required to return your property to a dry and undamaged state.
Leaks often result in observable dampness somewhere in the property can be from interior pipework, including cold water and hot water pipes as well as wastes and drains, or can be water from the outside coming in via the floors, walls or roof. Sometimes, there is no obvious sign of water escaping or damp areas in the house and this is particularly common with a continuous pressure loss from unvented central heating systems.