ABOUT Thermal Imaging leak detection
Infra-red cameras see heat rather than visible light. They can be very sensitive to tiny changes in temperatures – the ones that our Thermal Imaging leak detection specialists use can detect a difference of 0.05°C – and can give us an instant picture of hot and cold spots in the building and this often shows us where hidden pipes run and where water is leaking from them as the temperature of the water in the pipes affects the temperature of nearby surfaces.
“Seeing really is believing”
Our Thermal Imaging leak detection specialists use this method
Non-Invasive -
It’s all done with pictures! We can scan quite large areas at a time and from a distance looking for thermal anomalies – signs that something is just not ‘quite right’ and then zero in for a closer look. There’s absolutely no need to disturb, or even touch, ceilings, walls or floors in order to find the leak source.
Fast -
No long equipment set up times, no need for pipe's to be drained, no holes need to be drilled – it’s a case of taking pictures and then analysing them for further information.
Accurate -
Sometimes an anomaly, or clue, can be seen in the images and sometimes the exact location of the leak can be determined accurately – it often comes down to interpreting the thermal images correctly and this is something that our trace and access leak detection specialists are experts at doing.
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